Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My New Scissors Stand!

Based on an idea I got from Pinterest, I hunted garage sales for an old mug stand to use.  The original site was here.  I found this one for $1.  Yay!  However, I can't stand gold, so I thought I'd make it my own.  :)  I realized that I have all of these fancy scissors in my closet that I never let the kids use because I never remember they're there!  I have been really working hard to put all of my wonderful supplies in the hands of the kids instead of hiding in the closet unused!!!!

I was so excited when I saw the heart at the top and around the base!!!

 My hubby wanted to die when he found out I spray painted in the garage...  But it was rainy and I had no patience!  :)  I probably won't do it again for his sake, but nothing bad happened.  :)  I planned on adding red polka dots to it with Mod Podge, but when I was finished, I decided I really liked it how it ended up!!!!
 And the finished product......
The kids love the new decoration and they can't wait to get their hands on all those scissors!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Spending all kinds of time on the lovely website (also my new obsession), www.pinterest.com, my mind has been opened to many ideas that have made my classroom and teaching become transformed.  :)  Stay tuned, if you'd like, for the continued growth and transformations my class and classroom will be undergoing.  My kids are already excited!  They keep saying, "It's like a new classroom!"  What fun!!!