Personalized sticky notes. :) Who doesn't love sticky notes?
140 blank return address labels - I'm going to use these to label things in my classroom. I could have gotten these personalized, but I would rather leave them blank to write on.
The front and back of my post cards I'm going to give out to students. (I got 100 of these puppies!)
My very own business card!!! :) I'm going to stick magnets on the back of these and pass them out to parents so they can keep my information handy. I got 250 of these, so they'd better keep me around at the school and not move my grade any time soon!!!
A self-inking stamp I can start to stamp all of my classroom books to so that they can actually find their way home. (theoretically, at least) :) It says, "After enjoying, please return this book to Mrs. Stuart"
Yay for free stuff! I'm getting super excited about all of the fun stuff coming up this next few weeks. I'm going to try to start getting pictures up of my classroom and some stuff going on in there. :)