Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hot gluing paper backed products without them tearing!

Ever had one of those moments that feels like a stroke of genius??  Here's mine!!  We do a lot of hot gluing to our walls, because that's basically the only way to get things to stay on our walls with this great Florida humidity.  The only problem with hot gluing, is you have to have things laminated before gluing so they come off of the wall without tearing the paper...  Well, the laminator is not always available, and something cannot be laminated.  So my stroke of genius?  Tape!!!
 I put a strip of tape on the back of the paper plates and other paper items I wanted to hang....
 Then I hot glued right onto the tape!  This way, it's LIKE being laminated, but you don't have to wait for when you can use the laminator.  Not to mention, you can't laminate paper plates!!!

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