Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day Tiles!

Years back, I was waiting for my nephew in a family bathroom down in a mall in Tampa.  They had this wall that I absolutely fell in love with made of square white tiles and children's handprints.  I knew I had to find a way to make these....  For something....  Somehow.... 

Then, Mother's Day started inching closer and I realized, that's the something I was waiting for!!!!  So I got ahold of some tiles, a paint roller and some paint and went crazy with my students!!!

I've now been making these tiles every year and they seem to be a huge hit!!!!

Here's what I do:

I make a trip to Home Depot/Lowe's and buy a box of white 6x8 ceramic wall tiles (there's around 30 in one box, but I do it for my class and my friend's).  I already have a small paint roller (one made for edging, I think...), acrylic paints, and an acrylic clear coat.  I have been using the same materials for 4 years now and am just now thinking it's time to get some more paint.  :) 

I pour the paint on a paper plate, roll the roller over it, and then have a child hold their hand out flat.  If you have sensory kiddos, I recommend warning them that it's going to feel a little cold and it might tickle a bit.  Then they giggle instead of freak out!!!!

 I very carefully have them put the heel of their hand down while holding their fingers up in the air, then I slowly press their fingers down and make sure I press into each finger.  Hold their hands firm, or you'll have some fat fingers!!!!!  (don't worry, if they do make a mistake, you can just wipe it off with a wet paper towel and try again!) 

We then count to five and pull straight up.  Then we lay it down to dry until the next day (or a few hours later).

The next step is to use a paint marker (bought at Wal-mart for around $3 - but they last forever!).  The kids write "Happy Mother's Day!" (Or I love you! - if they do not live with mom or do not celebrate holidays) across the top, the year in the bottom left corner, and "Love, ______" in the bottom right corner.  Then it's laid to dry again.

Once they're dry, I take them outside onto a shower curtain and spray them down with acrylic clear top coat to set in the paint.

We wrap them up really, really, really, really good in newspaper and plastic bags and send them home for Mama!

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