Saturday, August 18, 2012

Classroom Setup!

 One of the most difficult and exciting times of the year is the transformation of the classroom at the beginning of the year!!!  Since I am changing my whole theme, I started at the very beginning!!  Took EVERYTHING off of the walls and completely started over!!!

 The beginning stages....

 My calendar/math board.
 I got the idea of this calendar from this teacher, and am very excited for a new way to do calendar!
 This shelf was really ugly when I got it, so I invested in that special primer and some yellow paint, then mod-podged the fabric on the back board.  I'm in love!!!!  :)  The bright colors are awesome.  This is going to hold my math supplies for calendar and some center choices.

 My word wall.  :)  The letters are on plates with coordinating ribbons, we will be clothespinning the words to the ribbon to make it more accessible to students.  I will post more later.  :)
 My awesome sister came in and helped put the color word wall together.  We put up these great posters I had from years ago.  Then she used my BIG circle hole punch to punch out different colors from paint chips (and I had some leftover circles of construction paper from a past activity), and she hot glued them all around.  :)  So fun!!!

 My vowels plates - Filling wasted space and giving the kiddos a visual reference.  :)

When I graduated high school many years ago...  I was given a super comfy reclining chair.  This chair has been OVER loved in my classroom for all of these years!!!!  I have tried (and failed) to keep this chair clean...  EW!!!
 I finally have found a way...  Cover it up!!!!  :)
 I found this beach towel at Walmart for $4 on clearance.  I folded over the top and bottom and stitched them up the sides, creating a sleeve.
 Then I just slipped it on over the chair and voila!  A polka dot themed chair cover that can be WASHED!!!!!
 My book boxes for Daily 5 on the left.  I will be putting the alphabet cards on the pocket chart for the beginning of the year, and then move on to Phonics chunks,  The plates with ribbons are for Daily 5 sign ups.  :)
 My final Math board.
 I used bulletin border scraps with Index cards and dot stickers to make labels.  :)  I hung this clipboard by the door.  Inside that sleeve will be the dismissal lists with bus numbers and student names.  I put it in a sleeve so that I can use the Vis-a-Vis marker next to it to make any transportation note changes or whatever for the day. 
My classroom from the front door.

Along the back of the classroom...  Book Nooks for reading and lots of book bins!!!!!

My Daily Five anchor charts on the front board.

Trying a "deskless" space this year.  Only the computer desk and filing cabinet!  Please work!!!!  I hate the clutter of a desk!  The table to the left is for my volunteer.
Writing station area and behavior chart.  Used my teacher desk for this area.

Our classroom timeline for the year.  :)

I bought this frame at a yard sale for $1.  :)  Primed and painted it.  My friend added the words for the kiddos to use for the pictures.  These were my helpers for the day.  :)
My table tubs for shared supplies.  Magnetic Muffin tins painted white with Mod-Podged stickers.  I hot glued magnets to the bottom of the cups.  I will be hot gluing another magnet in the bottom of each muffin space to give just a little stronger connection, I think.  We'll see how they work.  :)  I got tired of the big bins!!!
I have decided to downsize classroom furniture.  Behold my reading table and student desk combined.  All set up for parent orientation.

 The outside door.  :)    Here's to a great year!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You definitely did a great job making your classroom like fun and welcoming! I really like all of the polka-dot themed decorations. The half-circle classroom tables are really awesome. I definitely prefer them over individual desks. I always think its important to promote communication and interaction and the bigger tables definitely do that.
